
Question 9 Chapter 10 – Unimax Publications of Class 11

Question 9 Chapter 10 – Unimax Publications of Class 11


Question 9 Chapter 10 – Unimax Publications of Class 11

The following errors were disclosed in the books of Mr. Babu. Correct the errors.

(1) The total of sales book has overcast by ₹1,000.
(2) In purchases book the total of one page ₹ 5,365 was carried forward to next page as ₹ 5,356.
(3) A sales return from Mr. Mitra ₹ 200 was entered in the sales book.
(4) Cash received from R. Ray ₹ 500 was posted to the account of M. Roy.
(5) Purchases goods book has been undercast by ₹ 100.
(6) ₹ 200 for repair to machinery has been taken to machinery account.

The solution of Question 9 Chapter 10 – Unimax Publications of Class 11

Date  ParticularsL.F.DebitCredit
1Sales A/c  Dr. 1,000 
 To Suspense A/c   1,000
 (Being sales book overcast, now rectified)    
2Purchases A/c  Dr.  9 
 To Suspense A/c   9
 (Being total of purchases book ₹ 5,365 c/d as ₹ 5,356, now rectified)    
3Sales returns A/cDr. 200 
 Sales A/c  200 
 To Mitra’s A/c   400
 (Being sales return from Mitra entered in sales book, now rectified)    
4M. Roy’s A/cDr. 500 
 To R. Roy’s A/c   500
 (Being cash received from R. Roy’s posted to M. Ros’s a/c, now rectified)    
5Suspense A/cDr. 100 
 To Purchases returns A/c   100
 (Being purchases return book undercast, now rectified)    
6Repair A/cDr. 200 
 To Machinery A/c   200
 (Being repair of machinery taken to machinery a/c, now rectified)   


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