
Question 19 Chapter No 16 – Class 11 Unimax

Question 19 Chapter No 16 – Class 11 Unimax


Question 19 Chapter No 16 – Class 11 Unimax

From the following, pass necessary journal entries and show the presentation of provision for discount on debtors in final accounts: 

                                                      Extracts of Trial Balance as at 31.3.2020 

Bad debts13,000 
Provision for doubtful debts 30,000

(1) write off further bad debts ₹ 10,000.
(2) Provision for doubtful debts is to be kept at 5% of debtors.
(3) Provision for discount on debtors is to be maintained

The solution of Question 19 Chapter No 16 – Class 11 Unimax


31.3.2020 Bad debts A/c Dr.         10,000 
  To Debtors A/c    10,000
  (Being further bad debts written off)     
31.3.2020 Profit & Loss A/c  Dr.   14,500 
  To Provision for doubtful debts A/c     
  (Being the provision made the doubtful debts @ 5% on debtors after further bad debts)     
31.3.2020 Profit & Loss A/c  Dr.   11,020 
   To Provision for discount on debtors A/c    11,020
  (Being the provision made for discount on debtors @ 4% on goods debtors i.e. after further b/d and after provision for doubtful debts)     
               Profit & Loss A/c
                      for the year ended 31st March,2020
To Bad debts Add: Further b/d13,000  10,000     
Add: New provision14,500    
Less: old provision30,000 7,500  
To Provision for discount on debts A/c  11,020  
                                            Balance Sheet
                                                   As at 31st March, 2020  
Liabilities AmountAssets
   Further b/d10,000 
   Less: New provision  14,500  
   Less: Dis. on debtors11,0202,64,480

  Working Note:                                            

(1) Calculate of provision for doubtful debts 
Less: debtors10,000
Provision for doubtful debts14,500
(2,90,000 x 5/100) 

(2)Calculate of provision on debtors
Total Debtors3,00,000
Less: Further b/d10,000
Less: Provision14,500
Provision for discount on debtors11,020




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