
Question 15 Chapter 9 – Unimax Publications of Class 11

Question 15 Chapter 9 – Unimax Publications of Class 11


Question 15 Chapter 9 – Unimax Publications of Class 11

A businessman prepares the following trial balance wrongly. You are required to prepare the trial balance stating the reasons in brief:

Opening stock25,000Capital46,500
Salaries20,000Return inward5,000
Purchases80,000Bills receivable12,000
Return outward1,000Creditors5,000
Debtors20,000Discount allowed3,000
Bill payable8,000Carriage outward500
Discount received6,000Fixed assets17,000
Carriage inward3,000  
Fuel & power1,500  
Outstanding wages1,000  
Cash in hand2,000  
Bank overdraft21,500  
 2,19,000 2,19,000

The solution of Question 15 Chapter 9 – Unimax Publications of Class 11: –

Trail Balance A/c
S. No.Name of A/cL.F.DebitCredit
1Opening stock 25,000 
2Wages 30,000 
3Salaries 20,000 
4Purchases 80,000 
5Return outward  1,000
6Debtors 20,000 
7Bill payable  8,000
8Discount received  6,000
9Carriage inward 3,000 
10Fuel & power 1,500 
11Outstanding wages  1,000
12Cash in hand 2,000 
13Bank overdraft  21,500
14Capital  46,500
15Sales  1,30,000
16Return inward 5,000 
17Bills receivable 12,000 
18Creditors  5,000
19Discount allowed 3,000 
20Carriage outward 500 
21Fixed assets 17,000 
 Total 2,19,0002,19,000


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