
Question 28 Chapter 4 – Unimax Publications of Class 11

Question 28 Chapter 4 – Unimax Publications of Class 11


Question 28 Chapter 4 – Unimax Publications of Class 11

28. On 1 August, 2021 Taran’s assets and liabilities stood as follows:
Assets: Cash at Bank Rs. 24,000; Cash in hand Rs. 11,000; Stock Rs. 7,000; Bills receivable Rs. 6,000 Building Rs. 25,000; Furniture Rs. 4,000; Amount due from Varun Rs. 2,500.
Liabilities: Bills payable Rs. 2,500; Creditors Rs. 8,000; Munish’s Loan Rs. 17,000.
Pass on opening journal entry.

The solution of Question 28 Chapter 4 – Unimax Publications of Class 11:


DateParticulars L.F.DebitCredit
Aug. 1Bank A/cDr. 24,000 
 Cash A/cDr. 11,000 
 Stock A/cDr. 7,000 
 Bills receivable A/cDr. 6,000 
 Building A/cDr. 25,000 
 Furniture A/cDr. 4,000 
 Varun’s A/cDr. 2,500 
 To Bills Payable A/c   2,500
 To Creditors A/c   8,000
 To Loan A/c   17,000
 To Capital A/c   52,000
 (Being opening balances brought forward)    
 Grand Total 79,500 79,500


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