
Question 38 Chapter No 16 – Class 11 Unimax

Question 38 Chapter No 16 – Class 11 Unimax


Question 38 Chapter No 16 – Class 11 Unimax

From the following figures prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ending on 31st March, 2020 and Balance sheet as on that date:

Debit balanceCredit balance
Stock3,000Capital 6,000 
Book debts2,000Creditors 4,000 
Plant & Machinery4,000Reserve   1,000 
Wages500 Sales 15,000 
Land & Buildings3,000   
Travelling expenses250   
 26,000  26,000

Stock on 31st March, 2020 was ₹ 2,500. It was decided to write off 10% on Plant and Machinery and Reserve for bad doubtful debts 10% of book debts ; to Plant ₹ 100 to bonus fund for staff, place ₹ 1,500 to General reserve and to carry the balance forward.

The solution of Question 38 Chapter No 16 – Class 11 Unimax

                                    Trading and Profit & Loss A/c
                                   For the year ended 31st March, 2020
To Opening stock3,000 By sales15,000
To purchases10,000 By Closing stock2,500 
To Wages500   
To Gross Profit4,000   
(transferred to P & L A/c)   
 17,500  17,500
To salaries200 By Gross Profit b/d4,000 
To Travelling exp.250   
To Bonus fund100   
To General reserve1,5000   
To Dep. On plant& Machinery400   
To reserve for doubtful200   
To Net Profit (transferred to Capital A/c)1,350   
 4,000  4,000

Balance Sheet 
As on 31st March,2020

Liabilities AmountAssetsAmount
Capital6,000 Book debts2,000 
Add: Net Profit1,3507,350Less: depreciation2001,800
Creditors 4,000Plant & Machinery4,000 
Reserve 1,000Less: Depreciation4003,600
Bonus fund 100Land & Building 3,000
General reserve 1,500Cash 3,050
   Closing stock 2,500
  13,350  13,350



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