
Question 40 Chapter No 16 – Class 11 Unimax

Question 40 Chapter No 16 – Class 11 Unimax


Question 40 Chapter No 16 – Class 11 Unimax

From the following balance extracted from then books of Seth Damodaran Swarup, prepare a Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2020, and a Balance Sheet as on that date:

Balance Balance
Capital A/c2,90,000Discount (Cr.)780
Drawings A/c14,500Reserve for bad debts2,500
Office salaries19,860Insurance and Taxes4,930
Plant and Machinery1,28,400Furniture2,000
Purchases returns 4,290Manufacturing expenses4,710
Sales5,72,140Bad debts2,190
Sales returns3,210Sundry debtors62,840
Loan A/c (Cr.)85,000Sundry creditors37,210
Wages1,03,140Cash in hand13,270
Building1,47,480Cash at bank32,230
Interest (Dr.)4,250Bills receivable17,860
Stock 1.4.20191,01,220Coal and Power17,760
General charges10,670Charity2,500

The following adjustments have to be made before closing the accounts:
(a) Stock in hand on 31st March, 2020 was ₹ 1,06,700.
(b) Depreciation on Plant and machinery and furniture at 10% and on the buildings at 5% to be written off.
(c) Reserve for bad debts to be increased to ₹ 4,000.
(d) Wages and salaries remained unpaid to the extent of ₹ 3,000 and 4,000 respectively.
(e) Interest on loan at 6% has been paid only for 8 months.

The solution of Question 40 Chapter No 16 – Class 11 Unimax

                             Trading and Profit & Loss A/c
                          For the year ended 31st March, 2020
To Opening stock 1,01,220By sales5,72,140 
To purchases2,92,620 Less: Returns3,2105,68,930
Less: Return4,2902,88,330By Closing stock 1,06,700
To Wages1,03,140    
Add: O/S wages3,0001,06,140   
To Manuf. Expenses 4,710   
To Coal & Power 12,760   
To Gross Profit 1,62,470   
(transferred to P & L A/c)     
  6,75,630  6,75,630
To Salaries19,860 By Gross Profit b/d 1,62,470
Add: Outstanding salaries4,00023,860By Discount 780
Add: O/S interest1,7005,950   
To General charges 10,670   
To Advertisement 4,300   
To insurance & Taxes 4,930   
To Repairs 6,980   
To Charity 2,500   
To Bad debts2,190    
Add: New Reserve for bad debts4,000    
To Bad debts2,5003,690   
To Dep. Machinery & Plant 12,840   
To Dep. On Furniture 200   
To Dep. On Building 7,374   
To Net Profit 79,956   
(Transferred to capital)     
  1,63,250  1,63,250

Balance Sheet 
As on 31st March,2020

Liabilities AmountAssetsAmount
Capital2,90,000 Plant & Machinery1,2,400 
Add: Net Profit79,956 Less: Depreciation12,840 
Less: Drawings14,500 Less: Depreciation7,374 
Loan 85,000Furniture2,000 
Sundry creditors 37,210Less: Dep200 
Outstanding Wages 3,000Sundry debtors62,840 
Outstanding Salaries 4,000Less: Reserve for bad debts4,00058,840
Outstanding interest 17,00Cash in hand 13,270
   Cash at bank 32,230
   Bill receivable 17,860
   Closing stock 1,06,700
  4,86,366  4,86,366



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