
Question 6 Chapter 10 – Unimax Publications of Class 11

Question 6 Chapter 10 – Unimax Publications of Class 11


Question 6 Chapter 10 – Unimax Publications of Class 11

The Trial balance of a firm on 31st December 2019 has agreed. The following errors were subsequently discovered:
(1) On 31st December 2019, goods of the value of ₹ 376 were returned by Ram Saran and were taken into stock on the same date but no entry was passed in the books.
(2) An amount of ₹ 236 due from Lalta Prasad which had been written off as a debt in a previous year was unexpectedly recovered and had been posted to the personal account of Lalta Prasad.
(3) New machinery costing ₹ 1,115 purchased during the year had been entered in the purchases book and duly posted to purchases account.
(4) Repairs to plant amounting to ₹ 567 had been charged to plant and machinery account.
(5) A cheque of ₹ 128 received from Farid Alam was dishonoured and had been posted to the debit of sales return account. Give rectifying journal entries.

The solution of Question 6 Chapter 10 – Unimax Publications of Class 11


Date  Particulars L.F.DebitCredit
1Sales return A/c  Dr. 376 
 To Ram Saran’s A/c   376
 (Being goods return by Ram Saran but not recorded in a book, now rectified)    
2Lalta Prasad’s A/c  Dr.  236 
 To Bad debts recovers A/c   236
 (Being due from Lalta Prasad written off as bad debts last year, unexpectally recovered, posted to his personal a/c, now rectified)    
3Machinery A/cDr. 1,155 
 To Purchases A/c   1,155
 (Being new machinery purchase posted to purchases a/c, now rectified)    
4Repairs A/cDr. 567 
 To Plant & machinery A/c   567
 (Being repair on plant & Machinery posted to plant & Machinery a/c, now rectified)    
5Farid Alam’s A/c Dr. 128 
 To sales returns A/c   128
 (Being Farid Aam’s cheque dishonoured and debited to sales returns a/c, now rectified)   


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