In this article, you can check out the Syllabus for Class 11 Accountancy I – PSEB 2024-25 and you can also download the syllabus in the PDF Format.
Time: 3 Hrs
Theory: 80 Marks
Practical: 15 Marks
INA: 05 Marks
Total: 100 Marks
UNIT 1: Introduction to Accounting
- Meaning of Accounting
- Accounting as a Source of Information
- Objectives of Accounting
- Role of Accounting
- Basic Terms in Accounting
UNIT 2: Theory Base of Accounting
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
- Basic Accounting Concepts
- Systems of Accounting
- Basis of Accounting
- Accounting Standards
UNIT 3: Recording of Transactions – I
- Business Transactions and Source Document
- Accounting Equation
- Using Debit and Credit
- Books of Original Entry
- The Ledger
- Posting from Journal
UNIT 4: Recording of Transactions – II
- Cash Book
- Purchases (Journal) Book
- Purchases Return (Journal) Book
- Sales (Journal) Book
- Sales Return (Journal) Book
- Journal Proper
- Balancing the Accounts
UNIT 5: Bank Reconciliation Statement
- Need for Reconciliation
- Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement
UNIT 6: Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors
- Meaning of Trial Balance
- Objectives of Preparing the Trial Balance
- Preparation of Trial Balance
- Significance of Agreement of Trial Balance
- Searching of Errors
- Rectification of Errors
UNIT-7: Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves
- Depreciation
- Depreciation and other Similar Terms
- Causes of Depreciation
- Need for Depreciation
- Factors Affecting the Amount of Depreciation
- Methods of Calculating Depreciation Amount
- Straight Line Method and Written Down Method: A
- Comparative Analysis
- Methods of Recording Depreciation
- Disposal of Asset
- Effect of any Addition or Extension to the Existing Asset
- Provisions
- Reserves
- Secret Reserve
UNIT 8: Financial Statements – I
- Stakeholders and their Information Requirements
- Distinction between Capital and Revenue
- Financial Statements
- Trading and Profit and Loss Account
- Operating Profit (EBIT)
- Balance Sheet
- Opening Entry
UNIT 9: Financial Statements – II
- Need for Adjustments
- Closing Stock
- Outstanding Expenses
- Prepaid Expenses
- Accrued Income
- Income Received in Advance
- Depreciation
- Bad Debts
- Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts
- Provision for Discount on Debtors
- Manager’s Commission
- Interest on Capital
- Preparation of Trading and Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet of
- Sole Proprietor with adjustments.
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Check out the Solution of Various Books of Accountancy for Class 12 For PSEB
Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) Solutions of Usha Publication.
If you’re a student enrolled in the Punjab School Education Board Class 12, it’s essential to explore a wide range of books to cover the syllabus thoroughly. While the prescribed textbooks are undoubtedly valuable, supplementing your studies with additional resources can enhance your understanding and knowledge. Consider checking out other books that align with the curriculum, offering different perspectives and insights on the subjects you’re studying. These supplementary materials can provide you with alternative explanations, practice questions, and examples that may aid in clarifying complex concepts. Moreover, exploring diverse sources can expose you to a variety of writing styles and viewpoints, fostering a broader understanding of the subjects. So, seize the opportunity to expand your learning by delving into other books that can complement your studies and contribute to your academic growth.