In this article, you can check out the syllabus for the class 12 Environment Education- PSEB and you can also download the syllabus in the PDF Format.
CLASS-XII – 2023-24 Environment Education (COMMERCE and HUMANITIES GROUP)
Time Allowed: 3Hrs, Theory: 40 Marks IA: 10 Marks Marks Total: 50 Marks
Unit-1 Biodiversity
- Concept and value of biodiversity
- Levels of biodiversity species, eco and genetic.
- Balance in nature.
- Biodiversity for the sustenance of mankind.
- Resource limitation.
- Ecological role of biodiversity.
- Interdependence among different species.
- India is a mega-diverse nation.
- Economic potential of biodiversity.
- Loss of biodiversity- threatened, endangered and extinct.
- Strategies for conservation of biodiversity in-situ and ex-situ.
- Mitigating the people- wildlife conflict.
Unit-II Environmental Management
- Need for environment management vis-a-vis development.
- Aspects of environmental management-ethical, economic, technological and social.
- Legal provisions for environmental management.
- Approaches for environmental management- economic policies, environmental indicators, setting of standards, information exchange and surveillance.
- Problem of stubble and its management ( study material uploaded on website)
Unit-III Sustainable Development
- Concept of sustainable development.
- Concept of sustainable consumption.
- Need for sustainable development for improving the quality of life for the present and future.
- Challenges for sustainable development-political and administrative will, dynamic and flexible polices, appropriate technologies, comprehensive review and revision mechanism, human approach.
- Development of skilled manpower.
- Role of individual and community.
- Role of national and international agencies( both governmental and non- governmental)
Unit-IV Sustainable Agriculture
- Need for sustainable agriculture.
- Green revolution-impact on environment.
- Importance of soil for crops, Irrigation systems, use of manure and fertilizers.
- Crop protection-major plant pests and diseases (wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane, potato), measures for their control agrochemicals.
- Impact of agrochemicals on the environment.
- Elements of sustainable agriculture-mixed farming, mixed cropping, crop rotation, biological and economic consideration, use of bio-fertilizers and bio pesticides, biological pest control, integrated pest management.
- Application of biotechnology in crop improvement.
- Management of agricultural produces- storage, preservation, transportation and processing.
Unit-V Environmental Actions
- Meeting basic human need, food, water, shelter and fuel for all.
- Population control
- Changing consumption patterns.
- Prevention and control of environmental pollution.
- Waste management- reduce, reuse and recycle;
- Community movement for ecological restoration and conservation of environment like joint forest Management (JFM),student’s participation in tree rearing, social and agro- forestry.
- Drugs-ill effects(Part-II) Consequences of use of different dugs, The narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances Act-1985 offences as penalties.(study material uploaded on website)
Syllabus for Class 12 Environment Education – PSEB – Download PDF
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Check out the Solution of Various Books of Accountancy for Class 12 For PSEB
Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) Solutions of Usha Publication.
If you’re a student enrolled in the Punjab School Education Board Class 12, it’s essential to explore a wide range of books to cover the syllabus thoroughly. While the prescribed textbooks are undoubtedly valuable, supplementing your studies with additional resources can enhance your understanding and knowledge. Consider checking out other books that align with the curriculum, offering different perspectives and insights on the subjects you’re studying. These supplementary materials can provide you with alternative explanations, practice questions, and examples that may aid in clarifying complex concepts. Moreover, exploring diverse sources can expose you to a variety of writing styles and viewpoints, fostering a broader understanding of the subjects. So, seize the opportunity to expand your learning by delving into other books that can complement your studies and contribute to your academic growth.