In this article, you can check out the syllabus for the class 12 Fundamental Of E-Business – PSEB and you can also download the syllabus in the PDF Format.
CLASS-XII Fundamental Of E-Business (COMMERCE GROUP)
Time: 3 Hrs. Theory: 80 Marks Project work/Practical: 15 Marks, IA: 05 Marks Total: 100 Marks
Rationale of the Course:
Information technology has a great influence on all aspects of our life. All our workplaces and living environments are being computerized. To prepare students to work in these environments, they must be exposed to various applications of information technology. One of the important applications of IT is e-business. The term applies to the use of computer networks to search and retrieve information in support of human and corporate decision-making. It is a modern business methodology that addresses the needs of business organizations, merchants, and consumers to out costs while improving the quality of goods and services and increasing the speed of service- delivery. This exposure will enable the students to enter the world with confidence, harmoniously live in these environments, and contribute to the productivity.
Concepts and Scope of Information Technology, Fundamentals of Computers
Elements of Computer System: Computer Hardware and Software. Computer Organization, CPU: Memory Input Devices, Output Devices, Storage Devices, and Communication Devices.
Fundamentals of Internet and Working of the Internet: Concept of the Internet, Use of Internet, Requirements of the Internet, Internet Domain, Internet Server, establishing connectivity on the Internet, Types of Internet Providers, Constitute of Internet Protocol, Browsing the Internet Tools and Service of the Internet, Procedure of opening e-mail account on the internet.
Introduction to E-Commerce and E-Commerce in India: Meaning, Features, Functions, and Benefits of E-Commerce, E-Commerce Practices Traditional Practice, Scope and Basic Models of E-Commerce, Limitations of E-Commerce, Precautions for secure E-Commerce, Proxy Services. Types of E-Commerce, Meaning of B2C, B2B, C2C & P2P. Status of E-Commerce in India, Problems and Opportunity in E-Commerce in India, Future of E-Commerce, Legal issues Involved e-commerce.
E-Payments: Transaction through the Internet, Requirements of E-Payment System, Post Paid Payment System, Credit Card Solutions, CyberCash Internal Cheques, Instant Paid Payment System, Debit Card, Prepaid Payment System, Electronic Cash, Digi Cash, Net Cash, CyberCash, Smart Cards.
E-Security: Areas of Internet Security, Security Threats, Security Breach Avoidance, Defection and Recovery, Confidentiality and Integrity, Electronic Signature, Access Control, and Authentication Precaution for Secure E-Commerce.
E-Banking: Meaning, Importance, and Types of E-Banking Services. Traditional vs E-Banking, Process of E-Banking, Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Banking, Status of E-Banking in India.
E-Trading Securities: Meaning and Importance of E-Trading Securities, Traditional Trading Securities vs E-Trading Securities, Operational Aspects of E-Trading Securities, Advantages of E-Trading Securities, Status of E-Trading Securities in India.
E-Marketing: Concept of E-Marketing, 5Ps of E-Marketing, Traditional Marketing vs E-Marketing, Advantages of E-Marketing, Status of E-Marketing in India.
Time: 1½ Hours Max. Marks: 15
1. Practical Note Book 3 marks
2. Total five questions (two from part-I and three from Part-II) of 3 marks each will be set out of list prescribed for practical. The students are required to perform three practicals selecting at least one from each part.
(3×3) =9 marks
3. Viva Voce
3 marks
Structure & Division of Marks for Internal Assessment
1 | Book Bank | 2 Marks | |
2 | Avarage of Periodic Tests | 3 Marks | |
Grand Total | (2+3) Marks |
Internet and its applications:
Log into internet.
Navigation for seeking information.
Downloading information from internet.
Sending and receiving e-mail.
- Create e-mail account
- Creating a message
- Creating an address book
- Attaching a file with e-mail
- Receiving a message
- Deleting a message
Purchasing through the net.
On-line banking – Operating an ATM.
Syllabus for Class 12 Fundamental Of E-Business – Download PDF
Download PDF of Syllabus for Class 12 Accountancy II – PSEB For Free of cost
Check out Solution of Various Books of Accountancy for Class 12 For PSEB
Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) Solutions of Usha Publication.
If you’re a student enrolled in the Punjab School Education Board Class 12, it’s essential to explore a wide range of books to cover the syllabus thoroughly. While the prescribed textbooks are undoubtedly valuable, supplementing your studies with additional resources can enhance your understanding and knowledge. Consider checking out other books that align with the curriculum, offering different perspectives and insights on the subjects you’re studying. These supplementary materials can provide you with alternative explanations, practice questions, and examples that may aid in clarifying complex concepts. Moreover, exploring diverse sources can expose you to a variety of writing styles and viewpoints, fostering a broader understanding of the subjects. So, seize the opportunity to expand your learning by delving into other books that can complement your studies and contribute to your academic growth.